Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Take the day off to pamper yourself...

Hello darlings, in this blog post, I'll be sharing with you how to spend the entire day just pampering and taking care of yourself.

First thing when you wake up in the morning is to look yourself in the mirror and say "Wow, I'm like really pretty"

The second thing you want to do is have the prettiest breakfast ever. I like to have some kind of berry with waffles or pancakes. If you're just into a bagel and a cup of coffee, go for it. Whatever you want to have that's up to you.

The third thing is to run a bath. Add whatever you're in the mood for. Essential oils, bath bombs, rose petals, go all out and make yourself feel like the luxurious princess you are. 

After you're finished with your calming bath, it's time for a mani-pedi. Painting your nails can be so relaxing and stress-free. 

After your nails are dried, light a candle. Lighting a candle brings softness, happiness, and peace to a room.

End the day with a good book. Reading helps to escape time and stress. Nothing's more calming than cuddling up in a good book. 


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