Sunday, June 3, 2018

How I Learned To Love MySelf

Finding yourself and learning to love it is a very hard thing to do. You first have to love every inch of your body and flaw before you can be able to love someone else's flaws. Two years ago, I fell in a weird funk. My skin was really breaking out, I didn't want to leave the house because I felt so ugly. I was ashamed to go to school because I felt someone would say something to me. I even got depressed because I felt like my friends were ignoring me and I sort of grew apart of one of my closest friends. It was a hard year, to be honest. With my skin and everything that was going on, I would just lay in bed and cry. I would also receive some very bad luck out of the blues. So anyway, one day I woke up and realized, why am I being like this? I was such a happy person. Why am I letting this petty issue ruin my life? I looked myself in the mirror and said "I am pretty, I am worthy, I am happy and I am blessed" I looked at all of the amazing things I had in life: my parents, my job, my health, my education and so on. I realized that everyone goes through an acne phase at some point in their lives. This is mine and this will end. I will make new friends who will love and appreciate me and I will be happy. and so it all came through, I stopped putting crap on my face, I started to eat healthier, I tried making new friends at my new college and I focused on my education more. I got over it because there are so many important things in life to worry about than your appearances. Finding who you are will come eventually, you just need to go through some rough patches to find it. Remember, life will not always go your way, you have to be smart about it and chose what makes you happy. 

xoxo, Princess


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