Friday, June 15, 2018

How to: Self Care

Hello darlings, now I know you've read multiple blog posts about feeling good about yourself or how to take care of yourself and they're all pretty much the same. I am going to share with you my tips and my method on how I show self-care. I do these things on a daily basis so they're not just random things to do to have a better life lol. Here we go...

  1. I like to start my day with a positive mind set. I wake in the morning and thank god for being alive, I say to myself that today will be a great day, I am beautiful and I will learn something today. 
  2. I like to take a nice long warm shower in the mornings. I like to use my favorite shower essentials so I feel great. I like to use scented lotion or body spray to give myself a lovely scent. 
  3. Eating in the morning is so important. I like to eat something healthy that will fill me up for about 4 hours before I take lunch. 
  4. I used to practice Yoga but I haven't had a chance to do it recently. So sometimes I like to put on a show while I eat my breakfast. 
  5. I like to look at social media around late morning because I don't want to see something that will ruin my morning then ruin my entire day. It's okay if you are not up to date with the latest gossips or trends. 
  6. Rose water is a must. Either as a facial mist or body wash or even a scented bath bomb.
  7. Make your baths super luxurious with essential oils, rose petals, bath bombs and a glass of champagne. 
  8. Go for a bike ride or just a long walk in your neighborhood. 
  9. Eat a huge bowl of fruit salad.
  10. Grab a Starbucks once in a while. 
  11. Do a little retail shopping when you're feeling down. 
  12. READ READ READ to escape reality. 
  13. Keep a journal, write down important things or make bucket lists. 
  14. Rearrange your room/house. 
  15. Declutter. Getting rid of old things or things you don't use or wear anymore will bring such life and light into a room or space. It's like a piece of weight that was holding you down is now gone. 
I hope you guys like my ways on how to self-care. Drop your questions or comments in the chat box to the right. 



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