Saturday, December 22, 2018

Holiday Blues?

Finally, the fall semester is over but im kind of missing it a bit. I honestly don't know what im gonna do for a whole month, except work. I've been in this weird state of mind and I just want to get out of it and have a happy holiday! So, I've put together a list of things for you and me that we can do if we are feeling a bit blue during the holidays. Hopefully I can take my own advice for once in my life. Here we go.

BAKE! Baking will certainly put you in the most peaceful and happy mood. So run to the store & get some baking supplies & start baking. It will defiantly get your mind off whatever is bothering you. 

Decorate! Rearranging your room or even decorating is a great way to get into the holiday spirt! I always get into the mood when I have music playing in the background. 

Play in the snow! Make snow angels & snowmen! Enjoy the beauty of it all. it's also a great workout lol.

Go Out! If you're tired of being in the house all day, go out! Go for a walk or go out for a cup of coffee. Enjoy the sights and take a breath of fresh air. 


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