Sunday, June 24, 2018

A future change

Hello darlings, I've been in the mood recently to just chop my hair off. I really would like to donate my hair but I want to grow it a bit longer first so It wouldn't be as short. I'm really obsessed with shoulder length, wavy hair and I think that's something I would love to do in the near future. Maybe when I graduate from college I will chop it all off so I can start fresh into the real world. I know I'll miss my long pretty hair but honestly I just really want a change. I've looked the same for as long as I can remember. I've had the same hair forever. I've cut it a few times but it wasn't to my liking. A few summers ago I cut it so short that it made me a different person. I liked it but I missed my long hair also. This time, if I cut it, I want to be able to love my short hair and be all for it. I don't want to look back and say "I miss my long hair." I want to start my "adult" life looking like one. I'm honestly so over my long hair. I hope I'll be able to do it in two years and I hope I'm happy about it. Below is a few examples of how I want my hair.


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